All the text posted by the Audiophools owners is our original work, unless explicitly stated otherwise in a post - in which case the material will be credited and where possible a link will be provided to the source site.
Many images used to create or inspire the category icons are from the site, which hosts images contributed by its users for anyone to use, without payment or even a credit. Credit is definitely due to that the site and its users - thank you!
Some images may be from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons license. Links to the pages containing these and their authors credits are posted in any article these are used in.
Any other photos that are not our own work should also have appropriate credits and links back to the original pages.
Manufacturer and organisation names, trademarks and logos are acknowledged to be their intellectual property and are used strictly to make it easier for users of this site to locate the appropriate categories to discuss that manufacturer or organisations products or services.
Categories relating to a single business or organisation will normally include an informational "sticky" post with a direct link to that entity, unless the business no longer exists.
Credits for material used on this site.
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2019 7:45 pm
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- Audiophools - About the site and credits
- ↳ About Audiophools
- ↳ Credits
- Technical reference - read-only
- ↳ Basic facts
- ↳ Home audio & HiFi
- ↳ Home studio & recording
- Technical topics
- ↳ Techniques
- ↳ Tools and equipment
- ↳ Faultfinding
- ↳ Cables and connectors
- ↳ Building your own equipment
- ↳ Mobile phones, Tablets, MP3 players
- General home audio topics
- ↳ General home audio questions and discussions
- ↳ Equipment topics by make
- ↳ Bluetooth audio devices
- ↳ All-in-one home audio
- ↳ Separates - amps, record decks, CD & tape units etc.
- ↳ Loudspeakers
- ↳ Cables and interconnects
- Headphones and earbuds - wired and wireless
- ↳ Headphones, headsets and earbuds - general
- ↳ Headphones - Wired
- ↳ Wireless headphones - non bluetooth
- ↳ Wireless headphones - bluetooth
- ↳ Earbuds - Wired
- ↳ Earbuds - Bluetooth
- ↳ Bluetooth earpieces
- ↳ Headsets - gaming
- ↳ Headsets - Professional and communications
- Stage and performance audio equipment
- ↳ Guitar and bass amps
- ↳ Public address equipment
- ↳ Mixers and recorders
- ↳ Other stage & performance audio
- Recording studio - home studio equipment
- ↳ Microphones
- ↳ Interfaces - Audio and MIDI
- ↳ DAWs - Digital Audio Workstation software
- ↳ DAWs - General info and questions
- ↳ Tracktion (Waveform)
- ↳ Audacity
- ↳ Cubase
- ↳ FL Studio
- ↳ Logic Pro
- ↳ Studio One
- ↳ Ableton
- ↳ Garageband
- ↳ Pro Tools
- ↳ Reason
- ↳ Reaper
- ↳ LMMS
- ↳ Cakewalk (previously Sonar)
- ↳ Other DAWs not named above
- ↳ MIDI
- ↳ About MIDI (read-only)
- ↳ MIDI Technical
- ↳ MIDI Hardware
- ↳ MIDI Software
- ↳ Control surfaces
- Portable audio
- ↳ Boomboxes and ghetto blaster style
- ↳ Small portables - MP3 players etc
- Non-audio technology, humour and off-topic
- ↳ Other technology scams and myths
- ↳ Humour
- ↳ Off topic